Here We Go! The Black Women at Home Project
Over a year ago I wrote a Medium post about my effort to slow down my life. It ended up being a bit of a rant about the erasure of Black women from digital content exploring slow living. Since then, this thorn has been in my side about how little I can find about Black women and these notions of being well, having a good home life, being intentional about how we live, and more.
So, I decided that I am going to curate that content through the Black Women At Home Project (BW@H). The purpose of the BW@H Project is to visibilize the ways in which Black women embody, make meaning of, and celebrate home. It will focus on four pillars that can support Black women in living their best lives, including at home — beauty, joy, ritual, and rest.
The content is being curated via interviews I will conduct with Black women, whatever I can find on the innanets, via a Facebook group created to activate and generate thinking and sharing among Black women about this, and through writing I’ll do along the way. There’ll be some virtual conversations about this too. Ultimately, I hope to write a book about all of this! Y’all, I finally found out what I want to write about.😁 And, I am so excited to approach this project as both research gathering and community building.
We’ll see how it goes! Are you a Black woman who might want to participate? Do you know Black women who might want to participate? Share the website —